
The Architectonics of Game Spaces: Videogame Urbanism

The Architectonics of Game Spaces: Video Game Urbanism - How We Design Virtual Game Spaces to Engage New Audiences with the Architecture of Tomorrow

A chapter in The Architectonics of Game Spaces published by Transcript Berlin. In my chapter I explore the work of the Videogame Urbanism studio I teach with Sandra Youkhana, and how we develop new pedagogic models for architecture through the use of game technologies. I examine how we use historical and speculative projects as precedents for game world studies and the manner in which we translate rules and regulations from the built environment into game systems to produce architectural works that are interactive and public facing. I outline a new form of architectural practice that sees no distinction between the physical and virtual realisation of space, exploiting the similarities between how we conceive of the two.

You can see more details on the book here.